Paper Trails

Pay as you go workers' comp administration

We expertly track class coding, wages, and reporting to multiple workers comp carriers improving client cash-flow and reducing year-end audit surprises.

Comp-lete Control: Simplifying pay as you go workers’ comp

With large organizations broadening their services to encompass workers’ comp coverage, the stability of your client base may be threatened. While Paper Trails doesn’t sell insurance, we collaborate closely with both you and the workers’ comp carriers, ensuring wages are reported each payroll cycle for straightforward and accurate pay as you go workers’ comp billing.

Simplifying your clients' lives

How does pay as you go workers' comp work?

Pay as you go workers’ comp enables businesses to make smaller, more precise premium payments each cycle, aligned with actual payroll. This method replaces large annual lump sums, serving as a cash flow management tool for small businesses.


Initially, the insurance agent registers the client in the workers' comp pay as you go program via the insurance carrier. Then the insurance agent informs them of the collaborative partnership with Paper Trails for a seamless and efficient payroll integration process.


Accurately calculate your insurance premium based on the exact amount of payroll for each pay cycle. This method guarantees that premiums are perfectly aligned with actual payroll expenses, providing a highly precise and effective way to manage and control your insurance costs.


Paper Trails securely transmits wage reports along with class code details to the insurance carrier each pay period. Subsequently, the carrier calculates the due premium and directly bills the client by debiting their checking account within 2-3 business days following the pay date.


By aligning payments closely with real-time payroll data, the audit process becomes smoother, with accurate premium calculations significantly lowering the risk of discrepancies at year end. Paper Trails can prepare and submit the audit on behalf of the client.

Who do we integrate with?

Paper Trails currently integrates with numerous workers’ compensation carriers.  These include: MEMIC, Eastern Alliance, Acadia, Travelers, Hartford, SmartPay, AmTrust, Hanover, and many more!

Real businesses. Real solutions.

Maine payroll and hr services testimonial - chiropractor
From start to finish, the team at Paper Trails keeps my finances in order in a professional and fun way.

Dr. Tim Coffin, Slocum Chiropractic

payroll and HR testimonial - Audet
Since joining Paper Trails, we have had outstanding customer support from all team members. The trusted relationship began during the onboarding process and has continued to grow during a big transitional year for our company. We have been processing payroll with confidence that come year end or audit time, we will be set with the correct data.

Kelsey Herrick, Audet Enterprises

You handle the work. We’ll handle the paperwork.

We’ll stay in the weeds to manage your payroll, Human Resources, and compliance needs.
Maine payroll and HR paperwork