Paper Trails

Payroll and HR Guides, Checklists and more

A centralized place for all of our eBooks, guides, checklists and infographics providing tips and tricks to help you manage your business.
The following resources will assist any size business in managing their payroll, HR and compliance needs.

Payroll and HR eBooks and Guides

Researching a new payroll and HR service is no easy task. Our Buyer’s Guide makes the vetting process easier. It highlights critical factors addressed by best-in-class payroll and HR solutions.

Staying up-to-date on human resource challenges is tough.  You don’t have time to be an expert on all regulations while also focusing on running your business.  This guide will provide insights and steps for your business to remain in compliance with state and federal labor law challenges.

Maine’s new state retirement program, known as Maine Retirement Investment Trust or MERIT, requires covered employers to offer a tax-qualifying employer-sponsored retirement plan to their employees or they must provide their covered employees the option to contribute to a state-sponsored retirement plan. This guide will lead you down a path to compliance.

Once your business takes on the responsibility of paying employees, you open your business up to a number of potential compliance issues. Whether tax laws or employee privacy regulations, it is critical for your business to understand the areas of the payroll process in which you must maintain compliance. Our manual will help your eliminate your compliance headaches.

Whether you’re fortifying your operations in anticipation or have recently been informed of an upcoming review, our free comprehensive guide ensures you have the knowledge and confidence to smoothly journey through the DOL audit process.

We love working with local businesses, businesses of all sizes, and all of our clients! And they love working with us. This guide provides the top reasons businesses choose to work with Paper Trails!
Our Essential Guide to Reducing Paperwork provides a detailed look into the areas of your human resource department where your business can save a great amount of paper.
Our Applicant Tracking & Hiring Guide provides an overview of the isolved Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and its’ benefits. An ATS automates the day-to-day tasks and streamlines your hiring into a process that is repeatable and scalable.

At Paper Trails, our top priority is providing world class customer service to our clients. We treat our clients like a neighbor, not a number.  At Paper Trails, our team is ready to answer your call, respond to your email, and provide the training you need to succeed in this ever-changing world. Our guide will provide insights to not only the basics of our customer service model, but all of the extra, small things that make our service stand out above the rest.

If you are a client of Paper Trails, this checklist will guide you through registration and help you manage the program.

Provide a copy of this checklist to your employees to help them create their account, and make decisions on their retirement future!


Payroll and HR Checklists and Posters

The one constant with federal and state regulations is change. Keeping up with everything is challenging for employers and failure to comply can lead to audits, excise taxes, penalties and in some cases litigation or even jail time.  This checklist is designed to protect you and your business.

Switching payroll providers can seem like a difficult process. There are many factors to consider in searching for a trusted payroll vendor and finding the right provider can make all the difference. With the right guidance, you don’t have to wait to year end to make that change!
There are many facets and challenges of running a business. Being aware of everything that comes with operating a business is essential to long-term success. From hiring and retaining new employees, to knowing and complying with HR regulations, and proper accounting practices, every step along the way is important. However, one of the most important factors in business operations is payroll. This infographic provides details of the basic steps of payroll.
There are numerous tools and resources that Paper Trails clients have access to that can help manage their business. Find out what those resources are!
Businesses of all sizes can run into these payroll problems. See what they are and how to navigate them!

Employee retention is a huge concern for employers. This infographic lays out the areas of concern for employees of small to medium-sized businesses.

Hiring new candidates can be tedious and inefficient. The paperless Employee Onboarding tool within Talent Management notifies the appropriate personnel in a timely manner and takes them through all the necessary steps, tasks and forms that are part of a proper company orientation.
Whether your company is big or small, a startup or mature, maintaining compliance in HR is critical to success.
There are many reasons an expense management program can be beneficial for your business. Find out what they are now!
The key to accurate and compliant payroll starts with the Three P’s! Learn more about previewing your payroll with this guide.
Fully optimize the way your business handles benefits. Find out the key elements of isolved’s benefit administration.
With isolved’s HR tools, employers can upload copies of employee certifications, trainings, education, licenses, and more for easy tracking.
Sometimes you need to rehire previously terminated employees within the isolved system. This poster provides a quick way to do this instead of reentering all of the employee’s information.