Paper Trails


Tag: employee

maine minimum wage 2024

Maine Increases Minimum Wage for 2024

As we head towards the end of 2023, it is time to begin preparing our businesses (and ourselves) for what is to come in 2024. Employers must know any new local legislative compliance challenges that are ahead. One of the changes that Maine businesses need to be aware of is

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Do I have to pay interns?

Do I have to pay interns?

Employers across many industries may considering hiring interns for their business. Interns can be a valuable asset, especially during short busy times of the year. There are benefits to interns for both the intern and the employer. However, you may be wondering, “do I have to pay interns?” At Paper

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employees dont get along

What do I do if my employees don’t get along?

Business owners and HR managers deal with multiple issues each and everyday.  This incudes both business related issues as well as employee related issues.  One headache that could arise in any business is a conflict between employees.  Sometimes, an employee may not get along with another employee for a variety

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What is the Federal Bonding Program?

The “Great Reshuffle”, caused by the pandemic, has put the stress of hiring and retaining employees on many industries. Consequently, employers are consistently seeking to hire hard working and dedicated individuals. When hiring, many businesses rule out numerous applicants because red flags appear during background checks. The Federal Bonding Program

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Remote employees on the move

As the workforce continues to evolve, working remotely is only increasing in popularity. Employees are even seeking remote only positions as they look to change the pre-pandemic work standards. However, from both the employee and employer standpoint, working remotely can bring additional compliance challenges. What happens if the employee works

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HR questions for business owners

Owning a business comes with many responsibilities. There are the day-to-day operations, the thought of keeping your employees engaged, the tedious balancing of your finances, compliance challenges, and much more. Establishing a foundation of knowledge is key to overcoming these obstacles. There are particular questions that all business owners face

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