Paper Trails


Tag: fmla

DOL Wage and Labor Audit

What is a DOL Wage and Labor Audit?

Navigating the complexities of labor laws can be daunting for small business owners and HR managers. At one point or another, businesses may go through an audit by the state Department of Labor. This phrase, the the DOL wage and labor audit, may send shivers down your spine. Here, we’ll

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intermittent leave

What is intermittent leave?

Understanding all of the nuances of human resource laws is not only a daunting task, but also a critical responsibility for every business owner. As your business expands and you onboard more employees, the complexity of these laws grows exponentially. With each new employee, there are additional scenarios in which

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Am I required to provide FMLA?

Federal and state governments require employers to provide certain protections to their employees.  Employer responsibilities vary depending on the size of their organization.  One of these compliance challenges that employers must navigate is Family and Medical Leave.  But, are you required to offer FMLA to your employees?  Let’s take a

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Military leave

How do we pay employees on military leave?

There are many different types of leave that employees are able to take.  This includes state-mandated earned paid leave, sick leave, sabbaticals, and even military leave.  Each of the different leaves come with different requirements.  In this article, let’s take a look at how businesses should pay employees that are

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What is Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML)?

What is PFML? Your employees may encounter a situation where they have to take time off from work to care for, or deal with, a medical situation. As an employer, are you allowed to terminate an employee after a certain period of missed time? Are you required to pay employees

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Labor Law Poster requirements

Labor Law Poster Requirements

The list of compliance requirements that employers are challenged with is extensive. One of the basic regulations in this long list of requirements is in regards to labor law posters and how businesses must deal with them. Federal and state governments require businesses to display certain labor law posters in

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Sick leave

Sick Leave & FMLA Tracking

Last week, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act was signed into law. We’ve had a few days to digest this new law, and how it will impact you. There are still a few unknowns, but here is what we know right now. All provisions below become effective April 2nd and expire December

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