Paper Trails


Tag: labor laws

maine small business payroll employer

What is required of a Maine employer?

In Maine, small and medium-sized businesses contribute to a huge portion the state’s economic growth. Whether you’re a seasoned employer or a new business owner, understanding what is required of a Maine employer is essential. At Paper Trails, we’re dedicated to ensuring that business owners in Maine are not only

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what is required of a Florida employer?

What is required of a Florida employer?

In Florida, businesses thrive year-round, contributing to the state’s economic growth. Whether you’re a seasoned employer or a new business owner, understanding what is required of a Florida employer is essential. At Paper Trails, we’re dedicated to ensuring that business owners in Florida are not only aware of their obligations

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seasonal business

What is a seasonal employer?

Maine is recognized as one of the most healthful, beautiful and interesting states in the nation.  With over 17 million acres of forestland and 3,500 miles of beautiful coastline, it is an attraction for many tourists at different times of the year.  Due to different terrains and climate changes, and

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maine child labor laws

HR challenges for hospitality businesses

The day-to-day grind of owning or managing a business in the hospitality industry is stressful.  Adding HR related issues such as hiring, employee retention, scheduling, labor laws and more, on top of that can leave owners feeling overwhelmed.  Let’s take a look at the top HR challenges for hospitality businesses,

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What is the ADA?

What is the ADA? One job of the U.S. Department of Labor is to protect employees from certain acts from employers. One of these protections is against discrimination from an employer because of a certain disability. This is governed by the Americans with Disabilities Act, also known as the ADA.

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Labor Law Poster requirements

Labor Law Poster Requirements

The list of compliance requirements that employers are challenged with is extensive. One of the basic regulations in this long list of requirements is in regards to labor law posters and how businesses must deal with them. Federal and state governments require businesses to display certain labor law posters in

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