Paper Trails


Tag: performance

tips for terminating an employee

Tips for terminating employees

Unfortunately, not all employees are perfect.  There comes a time for almost all businesses when they must terminate an employee for a variety of reasons.  Often, these conversations can be uncomfortable and difficult.  Here are some of the tops tips when it comes to terminating employees. What are the top

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employees dont get along

What do I do if my employees don’t get along?

Business owners and HR managers deal with multiple issues each and everyday.  This incudes both business related issues as well as employee related issues.  One headache that could arise in any business is a conflict between employees.  Sometimes, an employee may not get along with another employee for a variety

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Improving employee performance

Whether a small restaurant of 15 employees or a large manufacturing company of over 500 employees, a business would not be able to operate day after day without employees. In fact, a strong group of employees is the backbone of any successful business. Many companies realize that retaining top talent

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