Paper Trails



maine paid family medical leave

What is Maine Paid Family Medical Leave?

Another compliance challenge is coming for Maine business owners.  Recently, Maine legislatures passed funding for a new Maine Paid Family Medical Leave program.  Soon Maine will become the latest state to enact such a program.  Maine’s program is set to be one of the broadest and most generous paid family and

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Helping underperforming employees

Helping underperforming employees Every business hopes to have their employees produce results at their optimum level. While that should be a goal of every business, it is usually not a realistic expectation. Therefore, business owners and managers must be aware of each employee’s performance and train those that are underperforming.

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What is Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML)?

What is PFML? Your employees may encounter a situation where they have to take time off from work to care for, or deal with, a medical situation. As an employer, are you allowed to terminate an employee after a certain period of missed time? Are you required to pay employees

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