Paper Trails


Tag: post-tax

Are retirement contributions pre-tax or post-tax?

Many businesses offer a retirement plan as part of their employee benefits package. In fact, many states are beginning to set up state run retirement programs to allow employees that do not have access to a retirement vehicle the chance to begin investing in their future. While there is no

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How do taxes for benefits work?

One of the more effective practices businesses use to hire and retain employees is offering a strong benefits package. As with any aspect of payroll, once a business begins offering fringe benefits, tax compliance issues arise. Let’s take a look at how taxes work on employee benefits. What are fringe

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pre-tax and post-tax deductions

Pre-tax and post-tax deductions

Most businesses provide benefits to their employees. These benefits must be withheld from employee’s pay properly, according to the IRS, for businesses to stay tax compliant. Certain benefit deductions are considered pre-tax deductions while others are considered post-tax deductions. In this article, we will take a look at the difference

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