Paper Trails


Tag: ppp loan

PPP 2nd Draw

PPP 2nd Draw – What you need to know!

2nd Round Basics The SBA has released details on the 2nd Draw PPP program. The program goes live Monday 1/11 for first time borrowers, and Wednesday 1/13 for 2nd Draw borrowers who use community banks. National banks will be able to start accepting applications beginning the following Monday 1/18. The

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PPP Forgiveness Guidelines Released

At long last, we have some definitive guidance to decipher what PPP loan forgiveness will look like. There is a lot of information to deciper in the application, and even our brains hurt when we started reading it!!! The good news:  The application and guidance are pretty similar to what

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unemployed employee

PPP, Unemployment and Employees

Now that many of you have received PPP funding and are bringing employees back onto payroll, we’re fielding a number of questions about how this pertains to unemployment, etc. Here are answers to a few frequently asked questions: My Employees are earning an extra $600 on unemployment and they do

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