Paper Trails


Tag: retirement plan

what is a 3(16) fiduciary?

What is a 3(16) fiduciary?

So, you’re a small business owner with big dreams. Not only are you dedicated to your business, but to your employees as well. Which means you’re thinking about some of the most valuable benefits you can offer.  One of the top benefits your employees look for are retirement plan options.

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What is ERISA?

How do businesses comply with ERISA?

Navigating the web of federal and state labor regulations can be challenging for small business owners. Keeping up with these mandates is not only crucial for legal compliance but also for the successful management of employee benefits. This article will delve deep into the question, “What is ERISA?”. By the

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State-mandated vs Employer-sponsored Retirement Plans

State-mandated vs Employer-sponsored Retirement Plans Retirement has become an increasingly popular topic among state and federal legislatures in the recent years. While 72% of the American workforce has access to a retirement plan, only 56% are enrolled in a plan. Studies say that 22% of Americans have less than $5,000

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Updating your handbook

Update your company handbook around the holidays In today’s ever-changing business landscape, an outdated handbook can be a liability. This is particularly true in the post-COVID world, as many employees are working remotely. Multistate employers with a widely-dispersed workforce face additional compliance challenges over those operating in one state. Let’s

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Common Retirement Plans

Every American worker would like to retire with a comfortable amount of money at an early age. However, an study suggests that the complete opposite is happening. In fact, the United States is facing a retirement savings crisis. According to the study, 22% of Americans have less than $5,000

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