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Tag: business tips

what to do if i cant afford payroll?

What do I do if I can’t afford payroll?

As a small business owner, you wear many hats – from managing operations and fostering client relationships to overseeing finances. Among these responsibilities, ensuring your employees are paid timely is paramount.  There may be times of the week, or times of the year, when cash is tight for your business

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top tips for switching payroll companies

Top tips for switching payroll companies

Employees are the backbone of all businesses. They work hard every day to ensure the success and growth of the company. That’s why it is crucial for employers to pay them timely and accurately and having a reliable and efficient payroll system is essential for doing so. Unfortunately, many employers

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seasonal worker

Tips for hiring seasonal workers

Due to the tourist seasons in Maine, many businesses are extremely busy during certain times of the year and slower in other times.  There are also many seasonal employers that only operate in certain seasons.  Either way, seasonal workers are in high demand for most Maine businesses, or those in

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