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Tag: employee engagement

unlimited PTO

What is Unlimited PTO?

When debating a job offer, most employees consider the benefits offered as a huge part of the final decision.  In fact, according to a study by PeopleKeep, 93% of employees consider paid time off as a highly important company perk.  That’s why in this article, we dive into the world

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non-traditional employee benefits

Top non-traditional employee benefits

Employee benefits play a pivotal role in maintaining a strong workforce. While most companies offer conventional perks like paid time off, health insurance, and retirement plans, there are numerous innovative benefits that can set your business apart from the competition when it comes to attracting top talent and keeping your

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what is an esop?

What is an ESOP?

There are many different types of benefits that help drive employee engagement and retention.  One type of benefit plan that does this is known as an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP).  In this article, we will take a look at what an ESOP is and how it works. What is

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How to handle a bonus payroll

How to handle a bonus payroll Employers need any advantage available to them in order to attract and retain top talent. Above market wages and strong benefits are some of the top ways for businesses to stand out above the competition. Once a business is financial stable, providing bonuses to

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Improving employee performance

Whether a small restaurant of 15 employees or a large manufacturing company of over 500 employees, a business would not be able to operate day after day without employees. In fact, a strong group of employees is the backbone of any successful business. Many companies realize that retaining top talent

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What is an exit interview?

Equally as important as the employee onboarding process is a business’ employee offboarding process. Part of the offboarding process is the exit interview. This is a critical time for a business to learn about their company. So, what is an exit interview? And what are some best practices when conducting

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Performance Based Compensation

There are many ways to motivate your employees. Offering competitive pay, a strong benefit package and an inclusive work culture promote employee engagement. Another way to push your employees to produce results is to offer them a performance based compensation package. Continue reading for more information and best practices on

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Tips for making the payroll process easier

Tips for making the payroll process easier One of the most important factors in running a successful business is the overall satisfaction of your employees. Engaged employees are more likely to stay with your company for the long-term and to produce exceptional work results. The easiest way to continue to

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Writing an employee handbook

At the core of any successful business, is a detailed and complete employee handbook. While it may be difficult to find the necessary time it takes to create human resource policies for your business, skipping this process can open your business to potential future compliance issues. Let us take a

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What are the HR features of isolved?

Human resources and payroll are both complicated processes. Many businesses struggle to keep up with changes in local and federal legislation and the evolving compliance challenges. Automating your human resources is a great way to assist you in managing your employees and their needs. The isolved HCM platform is a

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Benefits of paperless onboarding

The Internal Revenue Service requires businesses to gather certain information for each new employee. This is typically the first step in a businesses onboarding process. Another step in this process may include the new hire enrolling in your company’s benefits. Some businesses choose to have a more complex onboarding process

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What are fringe benefits?

There are many things to consider when offering an applicant a position within your company. The salary of the position is probably the first thing a potential candidate will look for. After the position’s salary, the benefit package that you offer will be a key to attracting and hiring new

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Employee Retention Practices

One of the most difficult challenges facing businesses today is employee retention. Employees are leaving their current companies for better opportunities in record numbers. This turnover can cause headaches in the day-to-day operations of any business. Other employees need to pick up the extra workload while new hires are interviewed,

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payroll problems

Top Payroll Problems

One of the most important tasks in running a business is successfully managing a payroll management policy. From new employees being hired to old employees leaving, from changes in state and federal laws to updated forms and documents, managing payroll is tedious. There are many problems that may arise throughout

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