Paper Trails


Tag: employees

i-9 flexibility ending

When does I-9 flexibility end?

When does I-9 flexibility end? The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services have previously extended the end date for the COVID-related Form I-9 verification flexibility to July 31, 2023. Given the number of times this deadline had been extended, it seemed possible, though not probable, that it would be extended yet

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Am I required to provide FMLA?

Federal and state governments require employers to provide certain protections to their employees.  Employer responsibilities vary depending on the size of their organization.  One of these compliance challenges that employers must navigate is Family and Medical Leave.  But, are you required to offer FMLA to your employees?  Let’s take a

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Common payroll mistakes to avoid

Common payroll mistakes to avoid Making mistakes in your business’ payroll process can cause unwanted problems. From increasing your workload, to costing your business additional money, and even upsetting your employees, mistakes can be crippling for a business. There are a handful of everyday errors that your business can easily

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Selecting a payroll software

Things to consider when selecting a payroll software A priority of all businesses should be automating the payroll process. Whether a small business with 5 employees, or a large business with 500 employees, using software to pay employees has many advantages. Some advantages include reducing administrative burden, improving financial health,

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Improving employee performance

Whether a small restaurant of 15 employees or a large manufacturing company of over 500 employees, a business would not be able to operate day after day without employees. In fact, a strong group of employees is the backbone of any successful business. Many companies realize that retaining top talent

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What to do when an employee destroys company property

People can be careless. This is especially true when it comes to items that they do not own. Many businesses provide their employees with company owned items such as uniforms, cell phones, laptops, vehicles, etc. But, what happens when employees are careless with these items? Let’s take a look at

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What is Form W-3?

A requirement of all employers with at least one employee is the annual reporting of employee wages and payroll taxes on Form W-2. According to the Internal Revenue Service, any employer that submits a Form W-2 must also submit a Form W-3 as well. So, what is Form W-3? What

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