Paper Trails


Tag: outsourcing

best payroll companies in Maine

What is the best payroll company in Maine?

What is the best payroll company in Maine? When businesses are looking at outsourcing their payroll and HR needs, there are many Maine-based payroll companies that they may choose from.  At Paper Trails, it is our priority to provide you with all of the necessary information to make the best

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Why do employers fear payroll?

Why do employers fear payroll?

Payroll.  It is probably a business owner’s least favorite part about operating a business.  But why is this the case?  Well, there are a handful of reasons.  We like to think that there are 5 big topics that scare a business owner or HR manager when they think about the

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HR questions for business owners

Owning a business comes with many responsibilities. There are the day-to-day operations, the thought of keeping your employees engaged, the tedious balancing of your finances, compliance challenges, and much more. Establishing a foundation of knowledge is key to overcoming these obstacles. There are particular questions that all business owners face

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payroll outsourcing

Outsourcing vs Keeping It In House

Navigating the complexities of payroll processing and human resource management is a critical component for businesses of any scale. This article delves into the pivotal decision-making process: whether to keep payroll and HR tasks in-house or to outsource payroll to a specialized provider like Paper Trails. Both routes come with

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