Paper Trails


Tag: SBA


PPP Forgiveness Guidelines Released

At long last, we have some definitive guidance to decipher what PPP loan forgiveness will look like. There is a lot of information to deciper in the application, and even our brains hurt when we started reading it!!! The good news:  The application and guidance are pretty similar to what

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COVID Cares Act

Information on the CARES Act

On Friday, President Trump signed into law the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The largest stimulus bill in American history, the $2 trillion package includes forgivable loans to small businesses, individual stimulus checks for families, further support for unemployment and aid to health care facilities and workers.

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COVID Cares Act

Coronavirus Legislative Relief Update 3/27

It’s been another crazy week in Washington & Augusta. We’ve received a little more guidance on how to handle things, but we still don’t have answers to all of the pressing questions everyone is asking (how do I get my tax credits/money now!!!???). Families First Coronavirus Response Act Department of

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