Paper Trails


Tag: payroll

what to do if i cant afford payroll?

What do I do if I can’t afford payroll?

As a small business owner, you wear many hats – from managing operations and fostering client relationships to overseeing finances. Among these responsibilities, ensuring your employees are paid timely is paramount.  There may be times of the week, or times of the year, when cash is tight for your business

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How do I calculate blended overtime?

For many businesses, overtime becomes a necessity. While certain strategies can help reduce overtime expenses, there are instances where it’s unavoidable. Calculating standard overtime pay is straightforward, but things get trickier when dealing with employees working multiple roles at varying pay rates. This scenario is known as blended overtime. In

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What is required of a massachusetts employer?

What is required of a Massachusetts employer?

Owning and managing a business is an incredibly rewarding endeavor, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Beyond the day-to-day operations, there are numerous aspects to consider, especially when it comes to human resources and compliance. As an employer in Massachusetts, it’s crucial to navigate both state

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best payroll companies in Maine

What is the best payroll company in Maine?

What is the best payroll company in Maine? When businesses are looking at outsourcing their payroll and HR needs, there are many Maine-based payroll companies that they may choose from.  At Paper Trails, it is our priority to provide you with all of the necessary information to make the best

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How much does payroll cost?

How much does payroll cost?

So, you are thinking of outsourcing your payroll needs.  At this point, you are probably deciding between a few different payroll vendors.  And as with any business decision, you want to know how much it is going to cost.  Continue reading to learn how much payroll cost. Why outsource your

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top questions

Payroll Questions You’ll Be Asked

As a business owner, HR director or office manager, you are bound to get asked question after question about your company’s policies and payroll practices.  Continue reading to learn the important questions an employee will ask you and how you can answer them. What is the difference between gross and

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Why do employers fear payroll?

Why do employers fear payroll?

Payroll.  It is probably a business owner’s least favorite part about operating a business.  But why is this the case?  Well, there are a handful of reasons.  We like to think that there are 5 big topics that scare a business owner or HR manager when they think about the

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5 features of isolved

5 features of isolved you probably didn’t know you had access to Businesses should take advantage of the powerful payroll and human capital management (HCM) software options that are available to them. These platforms allow businesses to streamline their payroll and human resource needs efficiently and effectively. isolved is one

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What is on demand pay?

Offering an array of fringe benefits is one way for a business to stand out above the competition.  With many businesses looking to hire, finding ways to attract and retain top talent remains a priority.  One thing that a business could decide to offer its’ employees is what is known as on demand pay. 

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Common W-2 mistakes to avoid

Common W-2 mistakes to avoid Every business that has at least 1 employee has to provide an IRS Form W-2 to each of its’ employees. The W-2 reports employees’ annual taxable wages and the amount of payroll taxes withheld from those wages. Inaccuracies or errors on these forms can result

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What to do with manual or voided checks

What to do with manual or voided checks When running a business there may be times when you will need to manually write an employee a check. This is especially true for small businesses. If this happens, it is important you know what to do with those manual or voided

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Common payroll mistakes to avoid

Common payroll mistakes to avoid Making mistakes in your business’ payroll process can cause unwanted problems. From increasing your workload, to costing your business additional money, and even upsetting your employees, mistakes can be crippling for a business. There are a handful of everyday errors that your business can easily

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Selecting a payroll software

Things to consider when selecting a payroll software A priority of all businesses should be automating the payroll process. Whether a small business with 5 employees, or a large business with 500 employees, using software to pay employees has many advantages. Some advantages include reducing administrative burden, improving financial health,

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Benefits of switching to paperless payroll

Payroll is more than just paying your employees. There are a number of different areas that make up the payroll process. Things like tracking employee time, withholding payroll taxes, setting up employee contributions and deductions, and so much more go into the entire process. That is why manual payroll is

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Do nonprofits pay payroll taxes?

Payroll taxes are an employers worst nightmare. Withholding, matching and filing taxes properly can be an administrative burden and costly proposition for all businesses. But, what if your business is a nonprofit organization? Are nonprofits still required to pay payroll taxes? Continue reading for the answer. What is a nonprofit

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Payroll 101: How to do Payroll

There are many facets and challenges of running a business. While a potential business owner may be extremely talented in a certain field, being aware of everything that comes with operating a business is essential to long-term success. From hiring and retaining new employees, to knowing and complying with HR

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What is a general ledger?

All successful businesses must adhere to strong accounting practices. As part of a successful accounting system, businesses must set up and use a general ledger that works for their business. Continue reading for more on what a general ledger is and the role it plays in any business. What is

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Accounting for Payroll

Business owners face many challenges when running a business. Two of the more critical tasks of business operations are accurately processing payroll and proper accounting practices. Let’s take a look on how accounting for payroll works. How do I record my payroll in my accounting system (Quickbooks, Xero, Peachtree, etc)?

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Tips for making the payroll process easier

Tips for making the payroll process easier One of the most important factors in running a successful business is the overall satisfaction of your employees. Engaged employees are more likely to stay with your company for the long-term and to produce exceptional work results. The easiest way to continue to

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When does payroll need to be submitted?

The best way to keep your employees happy and your business thriving is by consistently paying your employees on time. In order to achieve this, you have to understand when your payroll provider requires your payroll to be submitted. Every payroll vendor has different deadlines on when you need to

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payroll problems

Top Payroll Problems

One of the most important tasks in running a business is successfully managing a payroll management policy. From new employees being hired to old employees leaving, from changes in state and federal laws to updated forms and documents, managing payroll is tedious. There are many problems that may arise throughout

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business year end

Getting Ready for Payroll Year End

The weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve can be extremely busy, stressful, and go by far too quickly. This is the time when businesses are planning ahead for the upcoming year. Before you can achieve your future business goals, you have to make sure you finish out the current

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How do I Post my Payroll to Quickbooks

What do I do after running my payroll? One of the most important things you need to do after running your payroll is ensure that your payroll is posted in your general ledger system (like Quickbooks) properly. Paper Trails will always debit the entirety of your payroll, including wages, taxes

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DOL Releases Final Salary/Overtime Rule

The Department of Labor has announced the new minimum salary for certain exempt white collar employees. The final rule is very close to the proposed rule we reported on in March. The new minimums will take effect January 1, 2020.

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