Paper Trails


Tag: human resources

exempt vs non exempt employees

Exempt vs Non Exempt Employees

In the world of employment law, one of the most common mistakes employers make is the misclassification of employees. A report from the U.S. Department of Labor indicates that up to 30% of employers may misclassify their employees. This misstep not only leads to legal complications but also affects the

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what is

What is myhrstuff?

In the evolving landscape of modern workplaces, “Employee Self-Service” (ESS) has emerged as a cornerstone concept. At its core, ESS refers to the digital platforms and tools that enable employees to handle many of their own HR-related tasks, from accessing paystubs to updating personal information. Instead of relying solely on

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What is required of a massachusetts employer?

What is required of a Massachusetts employer?

Owning and managing a business is an incredibly rewarding endeavor, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Beyond the day-to-day operations, there are numerous aspects to consider, especially when it comes to human resources and compliance. As an employer in Massachusetts, it’s crucial to navigate both state

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best payroll companies in Maine

What is the best payroll company in Maine?

What is the best payroll company in Maine? When businesses are looking at outsourcing their payroll and HR needs, there are many Maine-based payroll companies that they may choose from.  At Paper Trails, it is our priority to provide you with all of the necessary information to make the best

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maine child labor laws

HR challenges for hospitality businesses

The day-to-day grind of owning or managing a business in the hospitality industry is stressful.  Adding HR related issues such as hiring, employee retention, scheduling, labor laws and more, on top of that can leave owners feeling overwhelmed.  Let’s take a look at the top HR challenges for hospitality businesses,

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top questions

Payroll Questions You’ll Be Asked

As a business owner, HR director or office manager, you are bound to get asked question after question about your company’s policies and payroll practices.  Continue reading to learn the important questions an employee will ask you and how you can answer them. What is the difference between gross and

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Maine’s Retirement Savings Program

On June 24, 2021, Maine’s government signed An Act to Promote Individual Retirement Savings through a Public-Private Partnership into law. Created to help against the growing retirement crisis in Maine and across the United States, this act makes Maine the latest state to require certain employers to either provide an

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HR Challenges Facing the Healthcare Industry

HR Challenges Facing the Healthcare Industry While the healthcare industry has always faced numerous stressors, the COVID-19 pandemic added extra layers of complexity for those in this field. Post-pandemic, significant changes to the workforce have occurred. These changes, along with added legislative compliance challenges, have enhanced the day-to-day stress of

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What is the ADA?

What is the ADA? One job of the U.S. Department of Labor is to protect employees from certain acts from employers. One of these protections is against discrimination from an employer because of a certain disability. This is governed by the Americans with Disabilities Act, also known as the ADA.

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Improving employee performance

Whether a small restaurant of 15 employees or a large manufacturing company of over 500 employees, a business would not be able to operate day after day without employees. In fact, a strong group of employees is the backbone of any successful business. Many companies realize that retaining top talent

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HR’s role during a recession

HR’s role during a recession Recession is defined as “a significant, widespread, and prolonged downturn in economic activity consisting of at least two consecutive quarters of decline in a country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP)”. Many businesses and their employees feel uneasy leading up to and during a time of economic

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What is an exit interview?

Equally as important as the employee onboarding process is a business’ employee offboarding process. Part of the offboarding process is the exit interview. This is a critical time for a business to learn about their company. So, what is an exit interview? And what are some best practices when conducting

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HR questions for business owners

Owning a business comes with many responsibilities. There are the day-to-day operations, the thought of keeping your employees engaged, the tedious balancing of your finances, compliance challenges, and much more. Establishing a foundation of knowledge is key to overcoming these obstacles. There are particular questions that all business owners face

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Tips for making the payroll process easier

Tips for making the payroll process easier One of the most important factors in running a successful business is the overall satisfaction of your employees. Engaged employees are more likely to stay with your company for the long-term and to produce exceptional work results. The easiest way to continue to

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Writing an employee handbook

At the core of any successful business, is a detailed and complete employee handbook. While it may be difficult to find the necessary time it takes to create human resource policies for your business, skipping this process can open your business to potential future compliance issues. Let us take a

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protected class

What is a protected class?

Operating a business comes with many compliance risks. While business owners have a lot of leeway to make employment decisions as they see fit, there are certain federal laws that protect individuals from being discriminated against. These individuals are part of groups known as protected classes. Continue reading for an

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What are the HR features of isolved?

Human resources and payroll are both complicated processes. Many businesses struggle to keep up with changes in local and federal legislation and the evolving compliance challenges. Automating your human resources is a great way to assist you in managing your employees and their needs. The isolved HCM platform is a

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What is the Form I-9?

As part of a business’ employee onboarding process, each new hire completes the Form I-9. According to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, this document is required for each employee of any business. While all businesses use this form, many may not understand why. Let’s take a look at what

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Benefits of paperless onboarding

The Internal Revenue Service requires businesses to gather certain information for each new employee. This is typically the first step in a businesses onboarding process. Another step in this process may include the new hire enrolling in your company’s benefits. Some businesses choose to have a more complex onboarding process

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Employee Retention Practices

One of the most difficult challenges facing businesses today is employee retention. Employees are leaving their current companies for better opportunities in record numbers. This turnover can cause headaches in the day-to-day operations of any business. Other employees need to pick up the extra workload while new hires are interviewed,

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Reducing Paperwork in HR

The normal day-to-day tasks of society result in a lot of wasted paper. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, businesses and schools account for the majority of this paper use. A company’s human resource and payroll processes are the main producers of paper usage in a business setting. There

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Tips for Business Year End

Year end for your business can feel overwhelming. You have had a profitable year and are planning ahead for another successful one. Setting goals, projecting budgets, reconciling your books, performing employee reviews are just some of the tasks taking up your time. This is also the time as a business

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Maine’s Minimum Wage Increase

When will the minimum wage increase? Maine’s minimum wage is on the rise with a consumer price index adjustment as is required by state law. The minimum wage increase will go into effect on January 1, 2022. This means that all employees must be paid at least the new minimum

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workers comp pay as you go

What is workers comp pay as you go?

In today’s business environment, managing operational costs while ensuring the safety of employees is a balancing act. One such solution that has been gaining traction is pay as you go (PAYG) workers’ compensation insurance. This article serves as an introduction to pay as you go workers’ compensation, an approach designed

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remote workers

How To Handle Out Of State Remote Workers

Why Do Employees Want Work From Home In this post COVID world, a large amount of the country’s workforce is working remotely.  More job seekers are searching for jobs where they have the opportunity to work from home.  Working remotely can save employees time and money. Work from home can

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payroll outsourcing

Outsourcing vs Keeping It In House

Navigating the complexities of payroll processing and human resource management is a critical component for businesses of any scale. This article delves into the pivotal decision-making process: whether to keep payroll and HR tasks in-house or to outsource payroll to a specialized provider like Paper Trails. Both routes come with

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tips for hiring and retaining strong employees

Hiring and Retaining Employees

Tips for hiring and retaining strong employees In today’s times, hiring and employee retention are not easy tasks for any company.  Below are a few areas, in which you can focus your time and energy, to increase your chances of attracting and retaining strong employees. Creating a hiring and onboarding

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