Paper Trails


Tag: payroll services

exempt vs non exempt employees

Exempt vs Non Exempt Employees

In the world of employment law, one of the most common mistakes employers make is the misclassification of employees. A report from the U.S. Department of Labor indicates that up to 30% of employers may misclassify their employees. This misstep not only leads to legal complications but also affects the

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How do I calculate blended overtime?

For many businesses, overtime becomes a necessity. While certain strategies can help reduce overtime expenses, there are instances where it’s unavoidable. Calculating standard overtime pay is straightforward, but things get trickier when dealing with employees working multiple roles at varying pay rates. This scenario is known as blended overtime. In

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top tips for switching payroll companies

Top tips for switching payroll companies

Employees are the backbone of all businesses. They work hard every day to ensure the success and growth of the company. That’s why it is crucial for employers to pay them timely and accurately and having a reliable and efficient payroll system is essential for doing so. Unfortunately, many employers

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How much does payroll cost?

How much does payroll cost?

So, you are thinking of outsourcing your payroll needs.  At this point, you are probably deciding between a few different payroll vendors.  And as with any business decision, you want to know how much it is going to cost.  Continue reading to learn how much payroll cost. Why outsource your

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Common payroll mistakes to avoid

Common payroll mistakes to avoid Making mistakes in your business’ payroll process can cause unwanted problems. From increasing your workload, to costing your business additional money, and even upsetting your employees, mistakes can be crippling for a business. There are a handful of everyday errors that your business can easily

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Benefits of switching to paperless payroll

Payroll is more than just paying your employees. There are a number of different areas that make up the payroll process. Things like tracking employee time, withholding payroll taxes, setting up employee contributions and deductions, and so much more go into the entire process. That is why manual payroll is

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Payroll 101: How to do Payroll

There are many facets and challenges of running a business. While a potential business owner may be extremely talented in a certain field, being aware of everything that comes with operating a business is essential to long-term success. From hiring and retaining new employees, to knowing and complying with HR

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isolved earns multiple HCM awards

As part of the Paper Trails service, we provide our clients with the access to the isolved HCM system. The isolved payroll and human resource management platform assists Paper Trails and its’ clients in automating human resource tasks to help employers manage employees. This great system is recognized as a leading

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Accounting for Payroll

Business owners face many challenges when running a business. Two of the more critical tasks of business operations are accurately processing payroll and proper accounting practices. Let’s take a look on how accounting for payroll works. How do I record my payroll in my accounting system (Quickbooks, Xero, Peachtree, etc)?

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Tools Paper Trails clients have access to

Paper Trails prides itself on providing world class service to its’ clients. As part of this service, we provide businesses with access to a number of helpful business tools. These resources are free and help businesses manage their payroll and HR needs efficiently and effectively. Below is the full list

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How do taxes work for remote employees?

Work from home is here to stay. According to research from Ladders, 25% of workers in North America will be fully remote by the end of 2022. And those figures are projected to increase from there. Business owners often struggle with employee payroll taxes and remote workers increase the compliance

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HR questions for business owners

Owning a business comes with many responsibilities. There are the day-to-day operations, the thought of keeping your employees engaged, the tedious balancing of your finances, compliance challenges, and much more. Establishing a foundation of knowledge is key to overcoming these obstacles. There are particular questions that all business owners face

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What is expense management?

As your business continues to grow, the likelihood that an employee will need to use company funds to make a purchase increases. The process in which your business handles these situations is know as expense management. Let’s take a closer look at what expense management is. What is expense management?

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Tips for making the payroll process easier

Tips for making the payroll process easier One of the most important factors in running a successful business is the overall satisfaction of your employees. Engaged employees are more likely to stay with your company for the long-term and to produce exceptional work results. The easiest way to continue to

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What are the HR features of isolved?

Human resources and payroll are both complicated processes. Many businesses struggle to keep up with changes in local and federal legislation and the evolving compliance challenges. Automating your human resources is a great way to assist you in managing your employees and their needs. The isolved HCM platform is a

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Section 125 plan

What is a Section 125 plan?

A key way to attract and retain employees is by offering a strong benefits package. One type of benefit that small businesses could consider is a Section 125 plan. Let’s take a look at what this plan is. What is a Section 125 plan? According to the IRS, a Section

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What are fringe benefits?

There are many things to consider when offering an applicant a position within your company. The salary of the position is probably the first thing a potential candidate will look for. After the position’s salary, the benefit package that you offer will be a key to attracting and hiring new

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When does payroll need to be submitted?

The best way to keep your employees happy and your business thriving is by consistently paying your employees on time. In order to achieve this, you have to understand when your payroll provider requires your payroll to be submitted. Every payroll vendor has different deadlines on when you need to

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Timekeeping Mistakes to Avoid

The easiest way to improve employee engagement is by consistently paying them the correct wage. While it is simple to pay your exempt employees correctly, as they receive the same pay every pay period, paying your non-exempt employees can be a little more difficult. Keeping track of your employees’ time

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payroll problems

Top Payroll Problems

One of the most important tasks in running a business is successfully managing a payroll management policy. From new employees being hired to old employees leaving, from changes in state and federal laws to updated forms and documents, managing payroll is tedious. There are many problems that may arise throughout

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Reducing Paperwork in HR

The normal day-to-day tasks of society result in a lot of wasted paper. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, businesses and schools account for the majority of this paper use. A company’s human resource and payroll processes are the main producers of paper usage in a business setting. There

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FICA Tip Credit

What is the FICA Tip Credit?

Understanding payroll taxes can be difficult as there are multiple parts to these taxes. Businesses with tipped workers have it even harder as their employee’s compensation is made up of hourly wages, regular tips, service charges, and more. These types of businesses are allowed to take a tax credit, called

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How much do I pay in payroll taxes?

All businesses must follow state and federal rules and regulations to maintain compliance. One of these federal rules deals with taxes. As soon as a business hires its’ first employee, it begins its’ responsibility of paying payroll taxes. These taxes are governed by the Internal Revenue Service. In this article,

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Maine’s Minimum Wage Increase

When will the minimum wage increase? Maine’s minimum wage is on the rise with a consumer price index adjustment as is required by state law. The minimum wage increase will go into effect on January 1, 2022. This means that all employees must be paid at least the new minimum

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payroll outsourcing

Outsourcing vs Keeping It In House

Navigating the complexities of payroll processing and human resource management is a critical component for businesses of any scale. This article delves into the pivotal decision-making process: whether to keep payroll and HR tasks in-house or to outsource payroll to a specialized provider like Paper Trails. Both routes come with

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